Platform supporting an integrated analysis of image and multiOMICs data based on liquid biopsies for tumor diagnostics
VISIOMICS aims at developing a comprehensive solution for refined tumor diagnostics offering workflow management, multi-level data integration and advanced user interface solution in one efficient and certifiable workflow. Neuroblastoma, as a rare disease, will serve as a model to help solving the currently frequently observed problems in diagnostics accompanying personalized treatment strategies, i.e. integration of multi-level data despite of scarcity of samples and incomplete datasets. We therefore plan to expand our analysis by integrating DNA/RNA-sequencing and SNP-array data and combine them with imaging derived morphological and antibody staining properties of disseminated tumor cells isolated from liquid biopsies. Integration is performed in a sequential manner to better define genes and/or cell features, allowing to distinguish between samples from relapse versus non-relapse patients already at the time of diagnosis.
The VISIOMICS software platform, linked to a centralized database storing raw and processed data, will be an important tool enabling efficient user interaction and data visualisation tasks to translate expert knowledge into clinical/diagnostic analysis workflows.
Aim of the Project


- Hamid Eghbal-Zadeh, Lukas Fischer, Niko Popitsch, Florian Kromp, Sabine Taschner-Mandl, Teresa Gerber, Eva Bozsaky, Peter F. Ambros, Inge M. Ambros, Gerhard Widmer and Bernhard A. Moser. An End-to-End Deep Neural Network with Attention-Based Localization for Breakpoint Detection in Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Array Genomic Data. Journal of Computational Biology, vol. 26 (6), pp. 1-25, 2019.
- Shiva Alemzadeh, Florian Kromp, Bernhard Preim, Sabine Taschner-Mandl, Katja Bühler. A Visual Analytics Approach for Patient Stratification and Biomarker Discovery. Proc. of Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM), pp. 91-96, 2019.
- Taha A. A., Bampoulidis A., Lupu M. Chance influence in datasets with a large number of features. Data Science – Analytics and Applications, P21—26. Proceedings of the 2nd International Data Science Conference – iDSC2019.
- Florian Kromp, Lukas Fischer, Eva Bozsaky, Inge Ambros, Wolfgang Doerr, Sabine Taschner-Mandl, Peter Ambros, Allen Hanbury. Deep Learning Architectures for Generalized Immunofluorescence Based Nuclear Image Segmentation. ArXiv preprints, 2019.
- F. Kromp et al., Evaluation of Deep Learning architectures for complex immunofluorescence nuclear image segmentation. in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2021.
- Filip Mivalt. Segmentation of Phase Contrast Images in Multi-Epitope Ligand Cartography for Image Quantification at the Single Cell Level. Masterthesis, FH Technikum Wien, 2019.
- Daria Lazic. Deep Multi-Epitope Imaging of the Bone Marrow Disseminated Disease in Neuroblastoma. Masterthesis, TU Wien, 2019.
- Florian Kromp. Machine learning for tissue image analysis. Dissertation, TU Wien, 2019.
Florian Kromp, Eva Bozsaky, Fikret Rifatbegovic, Lukas Fischer, Magdalena Ambros, Maria Berneder, Tamara Weiss, et al. An Annotated Fluorescence Image Dataset for Training Nuclear Segmentation Methods. Scientific Data 7, no. 1 (December 2020): 262.
Deep learning based tool to analyze I-FISH spots in consecutive sections of heterogeneously amplified neuroblastoma tumors
ANR2018 – Advances in Neuroblastoma Research 2018, San Francisco – characterizing new biomarkers for disseminated tumor cells and the microenvironment of the metastatic bone marrow niche in stage m neuroblastoma
SIOPEN 2018, Israel – – Platform supporting an integrated analysis of image and multiOMICs data for biology based advanced tumor diagnostics
From Lab to Life Symposium 2018, Vienna – new tumor biomarkers and the microenvironment of the metastatic bone marrow niche in stage M neuroblastoma using quantitative imaging and deep-learning based feature extraction
From Lab to Life Symposium 2018, Vienna –
The project VISIOMICS was funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) via the COIN program under the grantno. 861750.